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    Protecting Purchases For Up to 45 Days

    When you buy vehicles through the BuyingMatrix™, your purchases can be insured for 45 days with our exclusive OfferGuard™. If you don’t retail the car in 6 weeks, CarOffer will buy it back. Avoid wholesale losses and aging issues and let CarOffer take stale inventory off your hands.

    Protect your Buy Orders with OfferGuard™

    Stay Covered Add OfferGuard™ coverage to your buy orders on our platform with the click of a button.
    Protect Your Purchase Price CarOffer will guarantee the purchase price for vehicles under $45k up to 45 days.
    No Sale? No Problem. Don't stress if you can't turn your inventory. With OfferGuard™, we'll buy back cars that won't sell.

    Don’t Worry. Be Protected.

    You’re excited about the new inventory you just moved onto your lot, but as the weeks pass by, you still haven’t been able to sell them. With OfferGuard™, any vehicles purchased through the BuyingMatrix™ are protected for up to 45 days. That means no more stressing over stale inventory and wasted purchases.


    Purchase Confidently

    You assume a lot of risk when you buy used inventory, especially if you’re not certain it will sell quickly–but what if you could purchase freely without worrying about whether your vehicles sell or not? OfferGuard™ removes the burden that comes with purchasing vehicles, giving you peace of mind knowing that, sale or not, we’ve got you covered.

    Protect All Your Purchases

    Get in touch with us today to learn more about CarOffer’s platform, or we can schedule a quick demo to show you how it works.

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